BnB Living :: BAR CHAIRS & STOOLS :: Barstool with Back & Swivel

Barstool with Back & Swivel

Treat yourself to the latest barstool to join the "Montana Collection".

Constructed of elegantly handcrafted pine logs combined with a durable swivel mechanism, this barstool will bring rustic beauty to your bar or bistro table.

From the pine forests deep in the wilderness of northwestern Montana, come the beautiful logs that comprise this article of furniture.

All logs are harvested in an environmentally responsible manner, using only trees that are "dead-standing", yet too small to be the home of any forest creatures. No heavy equipment is used or needed to harvest our logs. Heavy equipment would only damage the logs and the environment around them. Removing the dead trees from the forest where they pose a fire danger, puts them to good use, bringing a bit of the forest into your home.

Our items are available varnished or unfinished.

Varnished items are professionally prepared and sprayed with three coats of premium grade, clear lacquer.

The overall dimensions are 17"W x 17"D x 45"H.

This item comes fully assembled.

Quantity in stock 10 item(s) available
Weight 0.00 lbs
Price: $265.00
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